• For many, Labor Day signals the end of summer and enjoying warm-weather activities, including backyard barbecues with friends and family. Although a cookout may be an informal affair, planning is crucial to its success. This is true for planning your estate, too. Just as preparations are necessary for a successful cookout, a little planning goes

  • If you are thinking about creating an estate plan, you may hear some new and confusing terms that make your brain hurt. To add to your bewilderment, not only are some of the words unfamiliar, they may also be homophones—words that are pronounced the same as other words, but have different meanings and spellings. For

  • The risk of suffering a data breach has never been higher, especially for businesses in Foley, AL and Gulf Shores, AL. Small businesses are three times more likely than larger businesses to be targeted by cybercriminals. The costs of a cyberattack, both in terms of financial and reputational damage, can be devastating to small businesses.

  • Small business owners in Foley, AL and Gulf Shores, AL are no strangers to government regulations. There are many requirements that businesses must be aware of and comply with, including business license and permit rules.  Most businesses must obtain licenses or permits, so it is important for each business to know which ones it needs.