Words of Encouragement via An Attorney

Do you wake up with a foreboding sense of déjà vu? Like a bad song that’s constantly on repeat? Feels a little like “Groundhog Day” doesn’t it? Minus possibly the groundhog, most of us relate right now to Billy Murray’s character, “Don’t mess with me, pork chop. What day is this?”

It may sound a little odd, but a portion of what I do as a family law attorney is encouraging clients that everything will be ok. I don’t mind admitting that I have had to say those words to myself lately. That version of ok-ed’ness is going to vary from person to person depending on their circumstances, but most clients need that affirmation.

It’s all contrary to what we are taught in law school—law school teaches us to play out the worst case scenario in our heads and run with it. But, I have never liked being scared (at least not for long) and I would encourage you not to stay in that mindset either.

Maybe you are that person who needs to hear some encouragement right now? You may be in the midst of your own personal crisis at home with your spouse and headed down the path to a divorce or custody battle. If you find yourself in the midst of your own family law matter juxtaposed against the current virus pandemic, we are open and ready to hear from you.

In the midst of our chaotic world lately, I had a client send me a quote: “You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.”

Very apropos for these uncertain times. Maybe another quote should be, “Don’t worry about a thing, ‘cause, every little thing is gonna be alright.” If you don’t fully believe that, I bet you are still singing right now!

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